HELLO! Long time no see! So much happened and there’s so much to share. Let me get straight to the point:
Some of you might have heard of the animation that I’ve worked on for a while (since March 2022) and had 2/6 finished. However, due to many issues such as malfunctioning tablet and school taking most of my time I could not get it finished.
~ What is its current state?
After my tablet stopped working, I’ve decided to start over. I did not fear doing it over again. It had given me an opportunity to upgrade the story and plan everything through (it was something I failed doing before and during starting over). At the moment, I am struggling to make sure that the story makes sense, hence I paused working on it.
Worry not! I am coming back to working on it one day or another.
Having “Deep Dive” put aside, in the meanwhile I decided to redo my School Project and turn it into a full cartoon for all of you to enjoy.
~ What’s its current state?
As of now, the project is at the stage of planning. Storyboard is finished, and in few days time, I’ll be moving to creating an animatic that will later help me visualize the animation better and do all the rest of the stuff (clean-up, sounds, effects, etc.)
This isn’t urgent, because I am still in the process of planning/producing an animatic,
HOWEVER I am looking for people would be interested in working on this project. So this is for a future note.
Whether it be financial support or actually helping me work on the project - any help is greatly appreciated!
You can donate or commission me!
(I’m sorry I haven’t included my examples ^~^” You can check them on Instagram)

https://instagram.com/_eightyten?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== - Instagram
https://tinyurl.com/eightyten - PayPal
if you wish to contact me, you can send me a message via:
Discord: eighty_ten_
Instagram: _eightyten
Looking for:
BackGround Artists.