I am thankul for an opportunity to try out the game!
i personally enjoyed some of the artwork, the voice acting. I've also enjoyed some mechanics in this, such as the ones you'd have to use during the final boss fight. I have enjoyed the game to some extent! I loved the retro style!
There were few things that would be nice to pay a bit more attention to such as transition between stages (when the screen turns black, it stays a bit too long); some of the voice acting (would be nice to have character talk with more emotion, though overall it wasn't bad! It would've been nice if Mike's voice was a bit louder. ); assets (e.g. gun, "press [...] to [...]", cage, backgrounds, text font. In occasion, a style of certain elements wouldn't fit the game. However it's not a big issue).
As for me, I'd prefer if there was a pause screen and a health bar, but that's just my opinion.
I am not a video game developer, however I do understand that this took a while to make. It's a well-made game for newgrounds! I must say that the team had done a great job! Well done everyone!
Good luck!